Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 30 - October 4, 2013

This week we will be reading and learning about the 

Loch Ness Monster.

Searching for the Loch Ness Monster is a story about Skye

 and Ross, who go on vacation to Scotland with their

 parents. The youngsters thought they were too old to 

search for an ancient sea 

serpent in the deep, dark waters of 

Loch Ness. But as they drove the length of the large lake,

 questions began to emerge, and their parents decided to 

take an informative boat ride with a local expert. As the

 family listened to her tell about Loch Ness and why many 

people believe the legend to be true, the kids began to ask 

questions, not realizing that they were becoming interested. 

The book incorporates many facts about the lake and its 


This week we are taking our 

District Six Week Tests.

Spelling Words for this Week

teacher, freindly, useful, careful, slowly, helper, quickly,

 farmer, hopeful, singer, thankful, sadly, of said, listener


Vocabulary Words for this Week

1.             hoaxes – tricks played on people to try to make them believe something is real               when it is not
2.              legend – historical story that is believed to be true, but cannot be proved
3.              debunk – to disprove; to expose the falseness of an idea
4.              lair – a well-hidden resting place for a wild animal
5.              scoured – to have carefully searched to find something
6.              sturgeon – a large, primitive fish
7.              peat – brown, soil-like material used in gardening as as fuel
8.              plesiosaur – a large, extinct marine reptile with a long neck and small head
9.              brogue – a strong Irish or Scottish accent heard when the person speaks English
10.            glens – valleys that are long and narrow
11.            highlanders – people from the Highlands, a mountainous part of northern                        Scotland
12.           bales – tightly wrapped bundles
13.           species – a group of animals that are similar to one another and may have                        babies with each other

Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013 - September 20, 2013

by Becky Bloom

This week our class is reading a story titled Wolf! 
The story’s about a wolf that sees other animals 
reading books and wants to read, too. 
I can tell how the characters are alike 
and how they are different. They are alike because they 
are all talking animals. The pig, duck, and cow can 
read but the wolf can’t. That’s a way the characters 
are different. It’s fun to compare and contrast the 
characters as we read.