Multiplication and Division

It is crucial for students to leave the third grade understanding the concepts of multiplication and division. They need to be fluent with multiplication facts (0-12) and corresponding division facts. Having the basic facts memorized will make it possible for students to be successful with more advanced processes required of them in fourth grade. The third grade math curriculum is very challenging and requires us to move quickly. Work with your child at home so he/she memorizes their multiplication facts.
How can you help your child with math facts?
  1. Spend just a few minutes each day or a few days a week practicing, rather than long practice sessions.
  2. Play games with the facts. Try to find ways to make practice fun, including silly rhymes, songs, or memory tricks.
  3. Use time that is usually "wasted" (waiting in line, sitting in traffic) to drill facts.
  4. Identify the most challenging facts for your child, and spend the most time on those.
In addition, children learn a lot from experiencing math in real life situations. Please involve your children as much as possible when you are using math to cook, build, shop, plan, tell time, etc. These experiences help students to develop a real understanding of math beyond numbers and computation.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at

Thank you for your attention on this matter!
Mrs. Haynes

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