Welcome to Third Grade

Dear Parents,
I am very excited and happy to have the opportunity to spend this school year with your child.

As your child's teacher, my main goal is to help every student achieve success in their education and to instill a great passion for life and learning. I will plan carefully and vary my instructional strategies in order to best challenge and meet the needs of all the students in my class. An open line of communication between home and school is very important as well. So please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. 

Our classroom blog address is http://haynes3rdpoc.blogspot.com/ .  You will be able to access your child’s nightly homework, weekly spelling and vocabulary words, and important 3rd grade news.  There is a classroom calendar on the blog informing you of important dates, when tests will be issued, and when homework will be due.  Our blog will also be fun for you to check weekly.  I will post pictures of your child and his/her activities in the classroom. 

Homework will be assigned on Monday through Thursday and will be written down in your child's green assignment folder.

Frequent homework assignments include:

  • Math practice assignments
  • Reading assignments
  • Study content areas (Science, Health, Social Studies)
  • Spelling or Grammar practice assignments
Your child should be working on the following on a nightly basis:

  • Math fact practice
  • Independent reading
Students may bring a mid-morning snack to school. Snacks need to be nutritious and non-messy. No pudding, yogurt, etc. please! Those can be eaten at lunch time.

You may contact me through email at hayness@calcoisd.org or call me here at school at 361.983.2341.  My conference period is 2:00 – 2:45.

I’m looking forward to an awesome year!
Mrs. Haynes

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