Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 7th - October11, 2013

We will be reading the story Boom Town, which tells about a young girl and her family who moved west. Amanda is bored, and so she bakes a pie. After people begin buying her pies, Amanda starts a bakery. Things happen one after another. We will keep track of the things that happen and the order, or sequence, in which they happen. When we finish reading, we’ll know which events are really important. They’ll help lead us to know how Boom Town came to be.

Here are pictures of us sequencing Boom Town!
We are using transitional words 
to help order the events.

We're rounding with a roller coaster!
Well, okay, it's not a REAL roller coaster.  =)

Reading together and sharing our test taking strategies, help us get the right answers!

Compound Word Game

Proper and Common Noun Sort!
It's a lot of fun to play!

We love Mrs. Sue!
Thank you for all that you do!

THIS WEEK's Lesson Plans:

  • Comprehension:  Summarize (TEKS 3.8 A), Sequencing (TEKS 3.8 A), Make Predictions (TEKS 3.2A)
  • Genre:  Fiction, Historical Fiction, Expository
  • Vocabulary:  compound word, sequence, idioms, noun, common nouns, proper nouns, rounding, sidewalks, grumbled, traders, blossomed, wailed, and lonesome
  • Vocabulary Game
  • Word Parts:  Compound words (TEKS 3.4 E)
  • Spelling:  Long Ee (TEKS 3.1 C) 
  • Spelling Game
  • Grammar - Common and Proper Nouns (TEKS 3.22 A)
  • Writing:  Showing (TEKS 3.17 C)
  • Math:  Rounding Numbers (TEKS 3.5 AB) Motivation Math p.69 - 78

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