Monday, September 1, 2014

September 2, 2014 - September 5, 2014

Amazing Grace

In Amazing Grace we’re reading about 
a girl who loves to act out stories. Grace 
wants to be Peter Pan in her class play. Kids 
in the class tell her she can’t be Peter 
because Grace is a girl. Another girl tells 
Grace she can’t be Peter because she’s 
African American. Grace stops believing she 
can get the part and tells her family. I 
wonder what will happen next. We will see how 
one thing makes another thing happen.

We're learning about cause and effect!

3rd Grade ROCKS!

Look what we made in writing buddies!

Week 2:

  • Cause and Effect (not accessible from home)
  • Character, Setting, Plot
  • Self Selected Strategies
  • Poetry, Fiction, and Persuasive
  • LongVowels date, fine, rose, lake, life, home, safe, rice, globe, plane, 
  • wise, smoke, grade, smile, come, clap, sick, crop, sneeze, escape
  • Long Vowel Sounds (not accessible from home)
  • Spelling Game 1
  • Spelling Game 2
  • Questions and Exclamatory Sentences
  • Capitalization and Punctuation in Question and Exclamatory
  • Nouns
  • Grandparents

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