Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 30, 2015 - December 4, 2015

This week we're reading Messaging Mania.  The article's about instant messaging on the computer and how it's a fast and easy way to communicate with friends, but it can also cause problems.  In class, we are learning about cause and effect.  As we read, we will find out the different ways that computers cause people to change the way they communicate.


This Week's Skills
  1. Comprehension - Analyze Text Structure, Cause and Effect (Must be logged into Texas Treasures to view), Author's Purpose, and Expository
  2. Vocabulary - Vocabulary Game

1.          estimate – when you use what you know to make a good guess
2.          record – something you do better than anyone has ever done before.
3.          focus – to concentrate all of your energy on someone or something
4.          instant messaging – written electronic communication between two or more people who are all on the computer at the same time
5.          researcher – a person who investigates and studies materials to establish facts and reach conclusions
6.          online – to be connected  to the Internet
7.          homographs – words that are spelled the same but have different meaning and sometimes different pronunciations.  Example:  The word “bow” is a noun and means “a knot with two or more loops; bow is also a verb that means “to lean forward”
8.          cause – an event or an action that makes something happen
9.          effect – something that happens because of an event or an action.
10.     author’s purpose – an author’s reason for writing (inform, entertain, and inform)

3.  Phonics/Spelling - Prefixes re-, un-, pre-, mis-  Spelling Words - misfile, unwanted, recycle, undone, presale, misread, recall, precut, unload, misnumber, unfair, mistreat, unhappy, retold, preplan, hard, porch, carve, prejudge, and uncertain
                                                   Spelling Game
                                                        Spelling Prefixes (Must be logged into Texas Treasures to view)
4.  Grammar/Mechanics - 
5.  Math - 1 and 2 Step Multiplication and Division Word Problems

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